Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Best Packing Tips

Going on a trip is always exciting, and if you are traveling towards a great vacation instead of a series of boring business meetings, it's even better. But no matter what your destination is, packing is always a difficult and sometimes even an annoying process. You either pack to light and find yourself missing some important item or you over pack, stuffing you bag with a lot of "just in case" cloths and shoes. In order to avoid such uncomfortable situations, keep in mind a couple of simple tricks that will make your life on the road a lot easier.

First of all, don't forget that, when traveling, information is vital. So, pick up the phone and call the hotel you are staying at and ask if they have a hairdryer, an iron and other such necessary but bulky accessories. This is particularly important if you are planning to stay for more than just a couple of days since you may need to wash your cloths. Remember to also ask about the weather: this piece of information allows you to pack only clothes that you will actually wear and avoid "just in case" sweaters, boots or umbrellas.

Make a list! Of everything: places you have to go to, events you have to attend, things you want to do. If you are going on hiking expedition with no party in the program, chances are you won't need that evening gown or high heels shoes. Also, if you will only be gone for three days, there is really no point in packing six pairs of shoes and a dozen pairs of jeans, now is it?

Once you've decided what you are planning to wear, take everything out of your closet and check it one final time. Is that all you need? If the answer is "yes", then it's time to start packing. Unless you actually like ironing and want this to be the first thing you do when reaching your destination, do what the experienced backpackers do: just roll them. This method saves you a lot of space in the suitcase and it's guaranteed to make your cloths wrinkle resistant. You will therefore be able to start enjoying your vacation from the very first moment you get to the hotel. A quick shower, a bit of shaking out your favorite shirt and you are ready for a night out.

Toiletries are just as important as cloths. Call your hotel and find out if they have soap and shampoo. If they do, don´t hesitate to make use of what they offer. If they don´t or if you simply are not comfortable with using those, bring your own products. Buy travel-size versions of your favorite products or get small plastic bottles and decant from larger ones. And remember: don't pack all your beauty products. Your skin can make it without a scrub for a couple of days. Instead, go for 2 in 1 cosmetic such as shampoo/conditioner combination. It´s a much more practical choice and, when combined with the above tips, allows you to enjoy your vacation and return home without back pain.

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