Monday, April 12, 2010

3 Tips for Traveling Scotland

Scotland is a great place to visit. There are so many people drawn there each year. One of the reasons is probably because of the great landscape.

No matter why you want to go to Scotland there are a few things that you should think about going there.

Traveling Off Season

My friend and I went to Scotland at the end of March till the beginning of April. It was a good time to travel Scotland since there aren't too many tourists around.
If you don't care about your money then go ahead and travel in the summer. That's when traveling Scotland is the most expensive.
Keep in mind that whenever you travel off season in a country it's much less crowded and you can focus more on the things you want to see.

Be Prepared for the Weather

The weather in Scotland is unpredictable. When we first arrived in Scotland it was raining all day, the typical Scottish weather. But it's strange how it changes so quickly. You can basically through all different seasons within a single day.
On our trip we went to see a beach nearby. On our way from the parking lot to the beach the weather was nice with the sun shining. Half an hour later we were on our way back to the car and that's when it started raining. So remember the weather can change extremely quickly.

Using Buses

At the beginning of our trip we drove to some places by car. But afterwards we moved through the country by bus.
I personally haven't made any bad experience with using buses in Scotland at all. They were usually on time and arrived when they were supposed to. But what you have to keep in mind is that booking buses a few days before can save you lots of money.
On the first few days we wanted to go to Glasgow by bus to rent a car there. So we went to the bus station and bought our tickets. Then we lined up in the queue to get in the bus. The guy in front of us realized that we had just bought the tickets and turned to us and asked "How much did you guys pay for the ticket?" We told him that we payed 6-7 pounds and that's when he started smiling. He then showed us his receipt: he had payed one pound.
Therefore always buy the bus tickets two days earlier to get the cheap prices.

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